Climate Chambers R&D

We were happy to share some research for Climate Chambers, our nascent piece exploring climate change and mental health, at Expedition in Dublin in October 2015. This weekend of new responses to climate change was co-curated by The Performance Corporation (Ireland) and Boca del Lupo (Canada). The premise for the film, and for the whole conference, was that the year was 2115 and all participants were imagining what life must have been like in 2015. To frame our film we created Dr Isabella Carson Pankhurst, a paleo-psychologist, whose research question was, How did the people of 2015 live with the knowledge of the future impacts of hyperconsumerism?

We made two versions of Dr Pankhurst – one was more playful and distinctly post-civ; the other rather earnest and wordy. Here are the films.

Our next Climate Chambers enquiry took place as part of the Festival of Climate Ideas in Brighton in December. In ONCA’s basement and crypt, emerging artists/ Feral associates Ellie Liddell-Crewe and Alexa Povey created spaces for the difficult feelings that climate change arouses.

The bedroom: Is the world that humans are making sometimes too frightening to face? Do you ever just want to hide under the duvet?  The altar: In a secular scientific culture, could prayer be a valid response to the climate crisis? What is it like to kneel and ask for help?